An Electric Book!
y: Aum Pasawala
The Electroclan strikes again! This book is great! And kept me glued to the pages. I rate is 5/5 stars. But why?
Well, Richard Paul Evans uses a unique writing style. He delivers a well thought out plot with tons of suspense
and a great theme. In the book, Michael has become separated from the rest after a harrowing ordeal with the
Elgen. With his mother finally safe as told to him by an old friend, Jamie, Michael together with new friend
Tessa, eventually reunites with his Electroclan. The clans main objective in this book is to take down the Elgens
main ship the Ampere. The book is extreme emotionally and phisically. One point of suspense was when
Abigail, Ian, Tessa, and Zeus leave the Eletroclan at this point you don't know if they will survive. One example
of Evans emotional theme is when Ostin says, "I am always in." This shows that Ostin won't ever leave the clan.
This shows an emotionally charged moment and the unity of the Electroclan. A book that is similar to Michael
Vey is Harry Potter. They both revolve around some type of power. And there are three main characters. Also
they show unity together to. One example of unity in Harry Potter is when Ron saves Harry from the Dudleys. A
similar type of event happened in Michaek Vey when Michael saves Taylor from being captured by Elgen.
Richard Paul Evans is also a master and expirienced author. He graduated with a B.A. degree from the
University of Utah in 1984. And has written over 30 books. He has proved his unique writing style, since one of
his books is on the 2016 Rebecca Caudill list. I am a trusted reviewer after successfully reviewing 7 books. Over
all, I would recommend this book to everyone.