This book honestly I've read what seems like 13 times, but I'm still in love with it. It all starts when Callie or Calliope Anderson needed glasses because of her headaches. When she was at the eye doctor's she was told about her glasses taking a while so she was given some other glasses by the doctor that he was wearing himself. But, what she doesn't know is that the nerdy/geeky glasses she got has something special that others don't have. The glasses have the power to read people thoughts and play flashback of what happened to them. When it came to the 1st day of school he best friend Ellen saw those glasses complimenting her, but Calliope saw something saying(what am I quoting is not exactly said I forgot how they exactly they said it) "Those are geeky". Later leaving Ellen she has to share a locker with Raven Maggot. After she got out of their she starts talking to Ellen before she goes into Math with her about the clubs. Ellen wanted to do Hall Patrol or something like that. After they start, when she goes into math. She was called on but didn't know the answer. Ellen tried but she got it wrong, so she guessed 29 and got it right. During that class she saw ellen thinking "She's cheating". Skip when Drama comes. Callie didn't want to take Drama this year but Ellen made her. When she came in to the All-Purpose room she saw her, a blonde hair girl(Stacy), Raven, and 2 cute boys Scott Fowler and Charlie Ferris. They have to do a Cinderella play, and Callie has to audition and do backstage. When she see's that she got Cinderella she wanted to change to understudy to get away from that. Around that her math teacher, wanted to test her. So she starts going continuing to be average. Later, when it was halloween she was going to a festival and see's Stacy, Ellen, Raven, Scott, and Charlie. They did a mirrior maze and they got lost as Ellen thought it was compeitition and thought her and Scott won. That day she got a teddy bear from Scott(What she doesn't know is that he plays girl hearts, its shown later). When they got home she thought why her friend, Ana didn't come. She thought that she was up to something. So the next day, when she arrivied at her locker she saw some Red Hots. It came with a letter saying "Hope you don't spill it". Callie believed that it was Scott(But, that it wrong find out how that is at the end). When it came to Drama she saw Ellen. Ellen confessed that she liked Scott and Scott liked her. A few later Ellen and Scott are togethere and during lunch Stacy, Charlie, and Callie are disgusted. In drama, when they had to work on their part Charlie and Ellen had to work but when they came back, callie starts talking to Charlie and he thought "Maybe Polka Dot isn't so bad". Later, Stacy had to do some work with Callie and they actually got along planning to go for some pizza with Scott and Ellen before the show so that she doesn't 3rd Wheel(I've done that a few times.). After they had Pizza a few days before the show she saw her dad and they were happy for a bit. But, when they got there Callie had to go onto to be Cinderella. Before the show, she see's Charlie scaring her a bit playing a flashback to Callie when he got the Red Hots, and placed it in her locker with Raven's help. She didn't say anything. But the show, she did a good job, and got her job done while Scott said congrats. Scott and Charlie asked her to the dance, but she accepted Charlie since Scott was just faking it and wrote those poem from a book in a flashback she saw. But. she questioned where is Ana so she asked Stacy who played the fairy godmother for the wand and so she took it and ran and Charlie tried to get to her. When she arrived she found out that she go in trouble for having Pizza with her and couldn't do anything because of her uncle. A few weeks later however, she went over to her Aunt Rosa and decides to stay there so she can have her choices. And that is just the story in which I love. 1000000/10.