
Underdog (2007)

A lab accident gives a beagle named Shoeshine some serious superpowers -- a secret that the dog eventually shares with the young boy who becomes his owner and friend.

Directors: Frederik Du Chau

Cast: James Belushi, Peter Dinklage, Patrick Warburton, Alex Neuberger, and Taylor Momsen

Release Date: August 3, 2007

8 Movie Reviews
  • alphawolf13
    alphawolf13almost 4 years55 popcorn
    Very funny. It is about a dog with powers who is seriously funny. It will either have you on the edge of your seat or laughing nonstop! Enjoy the movie!!!
    • ck3
      ck3over 9 years
      • littleman88
        littleman88over 9 years55 popcorn
        The movie is great and the previews are perfect
        • shivi483
          shivi483about 10 years44 popcorn
          This movie is about a dog that gets powers from this scientist by accident and the dog becomes an owner of a boy called Alex but one thing the dog can talk but if you remove the powers he can't talk and loses its powers which is like superman so the scientist are trying to make some for his own dogs to attack under dog but instead they got alex's dad so under dog has good hearing and him and alex go to help but it was a trap and under dog gets caught and loses his powers and gave his also other dogs more and more powers to attack the governor and his dad used to be a police officer and helps under dog to get his powers back but he can't without the vitamin that the scientist made so find out besides it is a good movie
          • sillycat183
            sillycat183almost 12 years55 popcorn
            one of the funniest movies ever!!! soo cute also. this is for doglovers. but it could be for catlovers too because it is cute!
            • doglover3
              doglover3almost 12 years55 popcorn
              this movie was so funny and a little bit sad at parts too
              • dogsaremylife
                dogsaremylifeabout 12 years55 popcorn
                you will laugh your socks off lol
                • askinam
                  askinamover 12 years55 popcorn
                  he is a police dog and he got fired now he has superpowers and he fights crime i recommend it

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