Middle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My LifeMiddle School: The Worst Years of My Life
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life

Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (2016)

Rated PG 92 min - Family Comedy
A quiet teenage artist Rafe Katchadorian has a wild imagination and is sick of middle school and the rules that have been put before him. Rafe and his best friend Leo have come up with a plan: break every rule in the school hand book and as you expect trouble follows.

Release Date: October 7, 2016

147 Movie Reviews
  • Anabelleover 8 years
    I want to see it SO BAD!
    • sammcpenney
      sammcpenneyover 8 years
      Ok. I'm going to be honest here. I am scared of how this movie will end up. I have read the books and they were great, and I don't want a poorly made film, ruining it. Who has seen Dear Dumb Diary? Or how about A Wimpy Kid Movie? All great series with terrible movies, in my opinion. This review is not a hate on the actors, producers, directors, or the author. I just don't want a good book to turn into a bad apple...movie....Oh, you know what I mean.
      • christopherh761
        christopherh761over 8 years55 popcorn
        Tip: keep your drawing to yourself!🤓
        • sallyover 8 years
          • aaron.medleyover 8 years
            • jb_penguin12
              jb_penguin12over 8 years
              I'm seeing this today!!!!!
              • brianna mileyover 8 years
                it looks so good I can't wait!!!!!!!
                • gigiover 8 years
                  I think it is going to be a-some!
                  • prinsesover 8 years
                    I love this book
                    • smiley6
                      smiley6over 8 years
                      I can't wait to see this movie ! It looks so funny ! I read the books and they were awesome !

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