Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Wizard's Collection)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Wizard's Collection) (2002)

Rated PG

Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, John Cleese, and Robbie Coltrane

36 Movie Reviews
  • daniel0613
    daniel0613almost 4 years
    I really like this movie because it is about magic. ✨ I hope you guys watch this movie, because it is funny, creative, scary, and even more fun! If you guys hate little scary thing, than you don't have to watch it but it is fun!
    • hedgedog
      hedgedogalmost 5 years55 popcorn
      I read the book and I wondered how the movie would be. It turns out that the movie was acctually good.
      • dogs13almost 5 years
        This is really GREAT
        • mochidog
          mochidogalmost 5 years55 popcorn
          I love it even though i watched a million times
          • animal_love
            animal_lovealmost 5 years55 popcorn
            I decided to watch the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because I have read the book and I wanted to see the movie because was really good so I thought about reading that book and I loved it so I thought I should see the movie because I have read the book.So then I watched the movie and I loved it so much so I recommend that you should watch this movie or read this book .
            • fungirl25
              fungirl25almost 5 years
              It was so good I would listen to it everyday. I get that some people would say it was scary but if you'd read the book first you'd think that it was rated PG (it's not) but everybody should watch it so follow me if you agree .
              • shinebright
                shinebrightalmost 5 years55 popcorn
                GREAT MOVIE
                • Ginny almost 5 years
                  I love Harry Potter and the chamber of secret. And I love Doby, the house elf!♥️🔮
                  • breanna41911
                    breanna41911about 5 years55 popcorn
                    It's SOOOOOO good and I REALY love it! I would recomend it to anyone (I'm a Hufflepuff by the way)
                    • hannah_swenson
                      hannah_swensonover 5 years
                      I Love 💘 this movie and Harry potter !!!!l!

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