God's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not DeadGod's Not Dead
God's Not Dead

God's Not Dead (2014)

Rated PG 113 min - Drama
After he refuses to disavow his faith, a devout Christian student must prove the existence of God or else his college philosophy professor will fail him.

Directors: Harold Cronk

Cast: David A.R. White, Kevin Sorbo, Willie Robertson, Shane Harper, and Korie Robertson

Release Date: March 21, 2014

39 Movie Reviews
  • 10039881
    10039881about 10 years55 popcorn
    this movie is very very good and I love it
    • 41chadr
      41chadrabout 10 years55 popcorn
      it rocks
      • 00030411
        00030411about 10 years
        This movie is the best movie ever.
        • 00022939
          00022939about 10 years55 popcorn
          Gods not dead hes sherly alive hes liven on the inside roaen like a lion Gods not dead hes sherly alive.
        • grant716
          grant716over 10 years55 popcorn
          It is a good movie to show how to defend your faith.
          • abanderas
            abanderasover 10 years55 popcorn
            I love this movie and I like the song "God's Not Dead' and it is in the movie. Duck Dynasty is in the movie.
            • abby201
              abby201over 10 years55 popcorn
              gods not dead hes sherly alive livine on the in sid roanen like a lion
              • pickletiger
                pickletigerover 10 years
                Amaze. Shane Harper did a fantastic job. he was on good luck charlie. he played Spencer. anyhow this was a heartfilled film. made me cry :(
                • njohnstone
                  njohnstoneover 10 years55 popcorn
                  i love this move because i am christian and if you don't believe in god you shod watch this move
                  • mandm2000
                    mandm2000over 10 years55 popcorn
                    This movie was pretty good because it is about a college student trying to convince everyone in the class to become christian. I am christian so I really enjoyed it.

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