
Descendants (2015)

A present-day idyllic kingdom where the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle offers a chance of redemption for the troublemaking offspring of Disney's classic villains: Cruella De Vil (Carlos), Maleficent (Mal), the Evil Queen (Evie) and Jafar (Jay).

Release Date: July 31, 2015

454 Movie Reviews
  • heavenmelak
    heavenmelakalmost 3 years55 popcorn
    The series of Descendants have been so good it's really interesting, it tells about where they grew up Isle of the Lost and it's sort of like a romance thing. But the movie and the books are so good, I would rate this a 5/5. Recommend it to people.
  • popster2twinney
    popster2twinneyover 3 years55 popcorn
    This is an absolutely amazing movie with a great plot and an awesome bunch of charaters.
    • pandapal
      pandapalover 3 years
      Really good!!
      • vampirategirl
        vampirategirlover 3 years55 popcorn
        Such a good movie. Always try to watch the whole series every weekend.
        • vampirategirl
          vampirategirlover 3 years55 popcorn
          This movie really shows that everybody deserves a second chance. It starts with Mal, daughter of Malifacent, Evie, daughter of the evil queen, Jay son of Jafar, and Carlos son of Cruella de Ville, get to attend Auradon Prep, a school full of fairytale descendants. But something evil is brewing when Malifacent trys to get her hands on Fairy Godmother's wand. This movie had me laughing time and time again, singing and dancing, and evena romance that was very sweet. This movie is great and will always watch it again and again.
          • ninjasforever
            ninjasforeveralmost 4 years55 popcorn
            Movie is Pretty Good!
            • tay912
              tay912almost 4 years55 popcorn
              I love this movie!
              • corgiqueen
                corgiqueenalmost 4 years55 popcorn
                This movie is amazing!! I love it!! My favorite song is "Rotten To The Core". So good!👍👍👍
                • sophiarates
                  sophiaratesalmost 4 years55 popcorn
                  This movie is AWESOME! Descendants is a family friendly movie, it can bring out your imagination and think about questions in the movie.
                  • sugarsnaps
                    sugarsnapsabout 4 years55 popcorn
                    It's an amazing movie for tweens and children of any age with the music and sing-a-longs, and just fun and family vibe I remember the first time I watched it I was about 6 years old and I fell in love with it! I recommend this to any stay-at-home moms/dads and anyone who wants a good movie to just sit down and watch!

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