
Courageous (2011)

Rated PG-13 129 min - Drama
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?

Directors: Alex Kendrick

Cast: Alex Kendrick, Renee Jewell, Rusty Martin, Jr., Ken Bevel, and Eleanor Brown

Release Date: September 30, 2011

23 Movie Reviews
  • agentp313
    agentp313almost 12 years55 popcorn
    This movie is amazing and its really touching. Every time I watch the scene where Emily is dancing, I always cry :(
    • hgonsi
      hgonsiabout 12 years55 popcorn
      vie is hands down my favorite! it makes me really want to be a better sister to my brother and sister is is so moving and powerful! i would recommend this to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
      • queenofthepanda
        queenofthepandaover 12 years55 popcorn
        i decided to watch this movie, because my brother had to watch it for school, so my whole family watched it. it is one of the funniest/saddest movie ever!!!!!!!!!! i sugest you watch this, because during it, you will eather be crying, or laughing, or both during the whole movie.
        • hgonsi
          hgonsiabout 12 years55 popcorn
          IKR! at one minute you are balling your eys out and the next you cant stop laughing!!!! SNAKE KINGS!!!!! LOL
        • jarbear
          jarbearover 12 years
          so awsome and powerful
          • wcw
            wcwover 12 years55 popcorn
            this movie is really amazing!! i cried in some of the parts. but i think evreybody should see this movie!! it will make you think somebody might be going through this right now!! its really sad at some parts but you really need to see it!! :)
            • wcw
              wcwover 12 years55 popcorn
              this is a really touching movie!! it shows that not evreybodys life is easy! i think evreybody should see this movie and maybe it will make u think i wonder how many people are going through this right now?? and then just think this could happen to you!!
              • ajr
                ajrover 12 years55 popcorn
                I love this movie. I cryed like 10 times!!!!!! It is so good. Its the stpry of 4 police/christian men who have problems, but at the same time have God. i really reccomend this movie!
                • made4him
                  made4himover 12 years
                  my dad bought this movie after hearing about it a LOT! then i watched it and its so exciting and inspirational. there were even some humor in it ! overall this is an AMAZING movie!!!
                  • jess12345
                    jess12345over 12 years
                    Inspirational Movie! Great Story and delivery...very emotional and stirring Movie. I would recommend for any Christ believer or followers, watch it with your kids if there at least 12 or so.
                    • winkymoon
                      winkymoonover 12 years
                      Such a awesome cool and life changing movie! It has so much action and it's kind of funny. Watch it!

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