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Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)

Inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that makes clouds rain food, enabling the down-and-out citizens of Chewandswallow to feed themselves. But when the falling food reaches gargantuan proportions, Flint must scramble to avert disaster. Can he regain control of the machine and put an end to the wild weather before the town is destroyed?

Directors: Chris Miller, Phil Lord

Cast: Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Andy Samberg, and Bruce Campbell

Release Date: September 18, 2009

74 Movie Reviews
  • alanad
    alanadabout 11 years55 popcorn
    love it
    • 23youngson
      23youngsonabout 11 years44 popcorn
      I decided to watch this after reading the book from when I was little. It is an amazing brand new take on a very old story. Although they changed it up a lot I think it really works.I don't want to spoil it but it is a really good movie.
      • rozeb
        rozebabout 11 years55 popcorn
        My brother's favorite part was when the spaghetti tornado came. Mine was the giant jello blob when the Flint and Sam bounced around.
        • edwardbird
          edwardbirdover 11 years55 popcorn
          This movie was amazing.This movie was so unique.I would give this movie a five star!
          • tayvi
            tayviover 11 years
            I can not beleave that the second one is comeing on BLUE RAY!
            • shejac
              shejacover 11 years
              It was a great, weird movie! I really love the movie when food comes out of the sky!
              • katiniss
                katinissover 11 years44 popcorn
                4 stars
                • katiniss
                  katinissover 11 years44 popcorn
                  i liked but it was different not like me
                  • 20amehlman
                    20amehlmanover 11 years55 popcorn
                    is was an amazing motion picture film. It was a great movie. It is about this place where it rains food and one day it gets too out of control so they have to leave.
                    • ariannad
                      ariannadover 11 years
                      i wished that it was real

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