A Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in TimeA Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time (2018)

After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.

Release Date: February 26, 2018

88 Movie Reviews
  • mircat1
    mircat1over 6 years55 popcorn
    ok so this movie is awesome if you like comedy and fantasy each this there is some creepy parts but overall this movie is awesome.
    • Batgirl catgirlover 6 years
      It was a good movie
      • Twilight Annie over 6 years
        It was so cool 😁
        • friendsforever1
          friendsforever1over 6 years55 popcorn
          This movie was really good! A lot of people were saying it wasn't good, but it is. It is about a girl named Meg who is trying to find her father. It's a really good book. I read the graphic novel, and all of it still made sense. I would recommend reading the book before watching it. The movie just came out on DVD.
          • Yandere-Chanover 6 years
            I expected SO much of this movie. The art is amazing, the story is touching, and the narration is magnificent. But what we got here was a run - off - the - mill low self-esteem girl who believed in herself. The book was excellent, but the movie was just... how do I put it... bland.
            • emily800
              emily800over 6 years55 popcorn
              The book is really good, so is the movie! After Meg's scientist dad goes missing, it's up to Meg, her little brother Charles Wallace and her new friend Calvin to save him from IT. They get help from Mrs.Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which to save him. They go through many dangers to try to save him. I really REALLY think you should read the book first, so you won't be confused about the movie. It was really good, but the movie didn't include Aunt Beast, so heads up if you were looking forward to that part (I know I was). This movie is really good and I hope you watch it!
              • bostongirl
                bostongirlover 6 years55 popcorn
                Read the book, watch the movie. This movie is so good! LOved it. I expected it to be very good since the book itself is good. This Is So GOOD! I loved Meg and Charles Wallace. I especially liked Mrs. Whatsit. She was extremely funny and enjoyable to read about!
                • Sofia (rich)almost 7 years
                  • sally0221
                    sally0221almost 7 years44 popcorn
                    It is such a touching and an emotional movie! The time where Meg met her father, half of the audience really broke in to tears! Their adventure consists of many test they must pass, complex tricks, mean girls at school, and a brother that seems to know everything. (I especially love their soundtrack sung by various artists including Demi Lovato.) I'd recommend this movie to people 7+ for some scenes could look a bit scary. I'd also recommend this movie to people who love fantasy, emotional stories, non-stop surprises, and perhaps... A happy ending?
                    • ccrockstar
                      ccrockstaralmost 7 years55 popcorn

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